Study of patterns and drives of utilization and Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure in selected groups in Cairo-Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Family Medicine department, Faculty of Medicine, Helwan University

2 Rheumatology and Rehabilitation department, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University

3 Obstetrics /Gynecology consultant Curative Medicine Department, New Cairo District. Ministry of Health


Background: Despite wide coverage of low-cost public health services, Egyptians seem to have different preferences and perceptions regarding the variant health care providers in the country. This study aims at exploring their perceptions and drives towards various providers and to describe the pattern of utilization and out of pocket expenditure of health. Patients and methods: A qualitative research was conducted to analyze the outputs of focus groups and interviews to selected groups of insured and non-insured users in rural and urban areas. Results: Participants consider public facilities if the case is an emergency case or requires prolonged hospitalization. However, they still do not trust the doctors in the public sector. As for the Health insurance Authority, participants focus on getting their medications for chronic diseases and conduct their routine periodic investigations.Participants have poor awareness regarding the value of preventive healthcare and utilize the accessible primary healthcare facilities mainly for vaccination and Antenatal care. However, if they decide to seek medical care, they prefer cheap private polyclinics and pharmacies. They trust these two types of providers and think that they handle the properly with the lowest cost. Conclusion: Providers need to put more effort to build trust with their patients and decision makers need to consider the users' perceptions regarding the provided services. The government should invest more to campaigns of awareness towards the value of cheap and accessible health services at the level of primary care.  
