Assessment of Supportive Care Needs, Satisfaction and Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors.

Document Type : Original Article


1 assisstant professor of public health and community medicine,faculty of medcine, Zagazig University

2 assissatnt professor of public health and community medicine, faculty of medicine,zagazig university


Background: Supportive care needs significantly associated with poor quality of life. Satisfaction with care theoretically implies fulfillment of expectations, and these may be affected by the nature, number, or seriousness of the patient’s health needs. Objectives:1) To Assess the types and levels of unmet needs among breast cancer patients, QOL domains and patient satisfaction with health care at Zagazig University hospitals. 2) To identify the impact of unmet needs on different QOL domains and patients satisfaction. Methods: The study was across sectional study, 259 survivors of breast cancer attending clinical oncology outpatient clinics in Zagazig University Hospital were interviewed. Validated edition of the Supportive Care Needs Short Form Survey (SCNS-SF34) , EORTC QLQ-C30, cancer inpatient satisfaction questionnaire (The EORTC IN-PATSAT32) and EORTC QLQ –BR23 (the Arabic versions) were used to assess the quality of life of cancer patients. Results: The results showed that(54.8%)of participants reported that they have unmet needs. The highest unmet supportive care needs were observed in the psychological domain. The total satisfaction reached (56.4%). Significant difference was observed between those having unmet and no needs and different QOL domains High satisfaction scores were observed among those with no needs the study concluded that: the most frequent unmet need was psychological needs. The level of perceived needs affect the level of QOL and the degree of patients’ satisfaction. Conclusion: Psychological needs were the most common unmet need .The level of perceived needs influences the level of QOL and satisfaction of patients.
